Start by typing a card name in the search box. Tap a card image to add it, and tap again to add more. If you tap underneath the caption, it will subtract one instead! If you go over 4 copies of a Pokémon or Trainer it will reset to 1. Tap a row in the decklist to remove all of those cards. Reload the page to clear the entire list.
Can I create a decklist with cards besides English?
Yes! You'll see a drop-down menu near the top with available languages: English, Japanese, French, French, Italian, German, Spanish, and Portuguese. Choose a language, search for a card, and add it to your list. You can mix different languages on a list if needed, just be sure it is legal for your region of play.
I've created my decklist, now what?
To submit your decklist, click on the Submit to NAIC button. That will take you to the submission page. Enter in the registration # from your confirmation/reminder email, and then enter in your Player ID. Click Lookup and Submit and your decklist will be submitted. You'll see a Success! message when your submission is successful. You'll also receive an email letting you know your submission was successful, along with a copy of the decklist submitted.
I have a saved decklist I want to submit, how do I do that?
Click on the Submit button for the decklist you want to submit. At the top of the Submit Decklist page, you'll see a link to submit your decklist for NAIC. Click that link, and then follow the instructions above.
I already submitted my decklist, but I want to change it. Can I submit a new one?
Yes, you can submit a decklist as many times as you'd like, up until the deadline. Each time you submit a new one, it overwrites the one previously submitted, and you will be emailed a copy. Knowing you can make a change, submitting a decklist early is actually a very good idea, so you're not scrambling at the last minute just in case something happens.
Can I import a list from PTCGO?
Yes! First, export your list from PTCGO. Switch over to Decklist Creator and click the Import from PTCGO button. Click in the text box that appears, and paste your PTCGO decklist there. Click on the Submit button. Your imported list will open in Decklist Creator. Be sure to review your list to double check it matches your deck, and then click Submit to NAIC to continue. Enter in the registration # from your confirmation/reminder email, and then enter in your Player ID. Click Lookup and Submit and your decklist will be submitted. You'll see a Success! message when your submission is successful. You'll also receive an email letting you know your submission was successful, along with a copy of the decklist submitted.
It is showing me INCOMPATIBLE when I try to submit. Why?
This will happen when you attempt to submit an Expanded format decklist to a Standard format tournament. You will need to create a new Standard list and then submit that one.
Can I use the decklist creator on my smart phone?
Yes, the site is optimized for mobile. You will need be on Wi-Fi or use cellular data to access the site. The site consumes minimal data, as each card image is less than 50 kilobytes, but still has enough resolution so that you can zoom in and read the text on the card.
I have more questions, who can I email for support?
Please email if you have questions that are not covered by this FAQ, or if you find cards that are not included in Decklist Creator that should be. Please note that cards will be added when they are legal for play.